Monday, August 18, 2014

Reviews for The Slater Brothers Series (So Far) by L.A Casey

Author Bio:

L.A. Casey was born, raised and currently resides in Dublin, Ireland. She is a twenty two year old stay at home mother to an almost two year old German Shepherd named Storm and of course, her four and half year old (the half is apparently vital) beautiful little hellion/angel depending on the hour of the day.

Her first novel, Dominic, was released on March 17th, 2014, and on March 21st, 2014, it became an international Amazon bestseller.

For more from the author check our her Facebook page by clicking here.

So let me preface by saying I have read all the books in the series so far and I have loved everyone of them.  No series of books have made me laugh out loud as much as this series and I can't wait for more (especially Kane as he is my favourite and I've had dibs on his since Dominic - even when everyone else was fawning over Nico it's always been Kane for me).

I should also add despite my glowing 5 stars reviews these books are far from perfect from an editing point of view.  There are grammar and spelling mistakes throughout but that doesn't detract from these hilarious books with hot scenes and an actual story behind them.  They are absolutely my go to books when I'm feeling a bit glum and need a pick me up - I defy anyone to read these and not laugh.

Dominic (Slater Bros #1)

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Review - 5 out of 5 stars

Just when I thought my life didn't need anymore book boyfriends LA Casey brings not 1 but 5!!! Welcome Dominic and the Slater clan.

I adore Dominic and love Bee's resistance. I love their story and the interplay between them. 

I also love the way I'm reading Bronagh's words in my head with a broad Irish accent xxx any book which can take you there is amazing.

A superb debut book - I can't wait to read more about the lives and loves of the Slater boys.

Bronagh (Slater Bros #1.5)

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Review - 5 out of 5 stars

So I love LA Casey and after how much I fell in love with Dominic I was a little nervous about Bronagh living up to my expectations but I needn't of worried one bit. Not only does LA Casey do Bronagh just - I think if possible I had more laugh out loud moments than Dominic.

Bee is about to celebrate her 21st Birthday and has nothing on her mind apart from a quiet day with Dominic and her family. Only Dominic has other plans for her. Some of his birthday surprises just take your breath away and make you go aaaahhhhhhhhhhh. You'll also chuckle at the book - once you've read Bronagh you'll know exactly what I mean.

As usual with Dominic and Bee nothing can be straight forward and a night out to celebrate her birthday almost turns into an epic fail but I loved the way it set us up for Alec and Keela and possibly Kane and Aideen (I already know Kane is going to be my favourite)

Bronagh has to decide in this book whether to carry on fighting against Dominic or to stand tall and fight with him. Bronagh loves Dominic, and what Bronagh loves, Bronagh protects.

If you loved Dominic you'll loved Bronagh. I promise you won't be disappointed.


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Review - 5 out of 5 stars

I loved Dominic, I thought Bronagh was fantastic and truth be told I loved Alec even more and 5 stars just doesn't seem enough.

Keela Daley meets Alec Slater when she rushes out in the middle of the night to rescue her best friend Aideen after a cat fight in a nightclub. Keela thinks Alec is arrogant, crude, cock sure and generally just full of himself. What she doesn't bank on is needing all those things in droves when she receives a wedding invitation from her nemesis and cousin, Micah. 

Micah is a pampered princess and all round rich bitch and to top it all off she is marry a sleazy douche lord and there is no way on God's green earth Keela can go stag to the wedding. She needs someone who looks hot and can handle himself, and her. As much as it's pain her to admit she needs Alec.

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