Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Review for Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover

So I read this book in one sitting (and by sitting I actually mean laying as I hadn't even got out of bed). I've read Colleen's Slammed series and thoroughly enjoyed them and I was excited to read this book. 

I'd like to point out at this stage that there is one reason this book did not get a 5 star review and her name is Tate Collins or as she will forthwith be known, Hate Collins as that's how I feel about her. Infuriating just doesn't even cover it. I started out thinking she was ok, which moved onto I'm not keen and by the end I wanted to rip her arm off and beat her with the wet stump. However I will not let that detract from my love of Miles Archer. My poor, sweet, wounded, tortured, guilt ridden, amazing Miles. Just in case it doesn't come across I love him (yes I'm a book whore - I've said this about many of my fictional men).

Miles Archer is an airline pilot who lives in the same apartment complex with his colleague and friend, Corbin. Corbin's sister Hate moves in with him and finds an instant attraction to Miles. 

As much as he wants to Miles can't deny that, for the first time in six years, he is attracted to someone. Miles doesn't believe himself worthy or deserving of love and to be quite frank he is very upfront about the fact he doesn't want it. Love and hearts is not something on his agenda. What he wants is an agreement with Hate for sex - nothing more and nothing less. He only has two rules:

Never ask about the past
Don't expect a future

As long as Hate can stick to these rules everything will be ok - or will it? Seems Hate isn't the only one not sure that this little arrangement will suit them.

Hearts get infiltrated
Promises get broken
Rules get shattered
Love gets ugly

Despite Hate I actually really loved this book and I can't finish this review with some love for my second favourite character in the book - Cap xoxo OMG he is just amazing and I adore him.

I do have a feeling this book will be alot like marmite - you'll either love it or hate it xxx

Please click for links:

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Author's Facebook Page: Colleen Hoover

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