Thursday, August 21, 2014

Review for Sublime Wreckage by Charlene Zapata

Ok so when you are gifted a copy of a book to read in exchange for an honest review I should warn you it is not all it's cracked up to be. I know right free book = honesty - what could be wrong with that?? Loads I promise - what if you don't like the book, what if it shocking, what if you can't think of anything redeeming to say, anything constructive. By anything I mean one, tiny, small thing.

I cringe when I check through reviews for a book I'm interested in and see "I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review" which sadly in some instances is basically code for I've written a totally biased review blowing smoke up the author's arse because maybe she'll mention me in the acknowledgements for her next book.

Charlene kindly sent me a copy of her debut novel Sublime Wreckage.  I have to confess I did read the synopsis first before committing. It did sound like something I would normally read.  I'm not closed off to other possibilities but I find something I chose to buy myself easier to get into. Having read the blurb I also had "coming of age drama", "if you love someone set them free" and "teenagery" battling around in my head. Nevertheless I agreed to have a read and said I should have something by the weekend.

I started the book when I went to bed around 11pm and actually couldn't put it down. Having fell asleep on my kindle (not the first time I must add, I'm a self confessed book junkie) I was so into Maggie and Vincent's story I felt I'd not be able to continue my day unless I finished when I woke up this morning.

Maggie Wilson has suffered. There is no doubt about it. She suffered a terrible tragedy as a result of an accident during childhood. She suffers daily at the hands of a mentally unstable parent. If it weren't for her best friend and her Grandfather she'd have no-one. Yet despite it all she has a resolve and an inner strength to just get through high school, keep her GPA up and graduate with grades good enough that she can escape to college. She knows with hard work and keeping her head down she can achieve this. She doesn't have time for distractions. She doesn't have time for Vincent Moreno.

Vincent is rumored to be that bad boy from the wrong side of the tracks. High school drop out, runs in with the police, exactly the kind of distraction Maggie doesn't need. But after getting past his reputation Maggie realizes there is more to Vincent than meets the eye. He has suffered tragedy as well. He did have some run ins and made some bad choice but, he too, strives for something better. To make something better for himself and his family. 

This is a beautifully told story from dual POVs. I personally, am a huge fan of a book with dual POVs - when the story is told from the point of view from both characters and the story moves along like that. I end up feeling somewhat cheated if I have to purchase another book from someone else's POV, like I've paid twice for the book. Having said that the first chapter from Vincent's POV was an exact rehash of previous chapters and didn't move on at all and did leave me feeling a little cheated but that is nothing to do with the author it's personal preference. This is a superb debut book from Charlene.

Sometimes when you finish a book you know it will stay with you for a while. Sublime Wreckage is one of those books. Despite being about someone else, it will translate into real life and make you question things. If someone like Maggie can overcome her struggles and difficulties then perhaps we should all strive to have a bit of Magnolia Pearl Wilson is us.

I can't wait for Sublime Resistance to continue Maggie and Vincent's story.

Please check out Charlene Zapata on Facebook by clicking here

Links for Sublime Wreckage:

Amazon UK
Amazon US
Barnes & Noble

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