Thursday, August 21, 2014

Review for Sublime Wreckage by Charlene Zapata

Ok so when you are gifted a copy of a book to read in exchange for an honest review I should warn you it is not all it's cracked up to be. I know right free book = honesty - what could be wrong with that?? Loads I promise - what if you don't like the book, what if it shocking, what if you can't think of anything redeeming to say, anything constructive. By anything I mean one, tiny, small thing.

I cringe when I check through reviews for a book I'm interested in and see "I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review" which sadly in some instances is basically code for I've written a totally biased review blowing smoke up the author's arse because maybe she'll mention me in the acknowledgements for her next book.

Charlene kindly sent me a copy of her debut novel Sublime Wreckage.  I have to confess I did read the synopsis first before committing. It did sound like something I would normally read.  I'm not closed off to other possibilities but I find something I chose to buy myself easier to get into. Having read the blurb I also had "coming of age drama", "if you love someone set them free" and "teenagery" battling around in my head. Nevertheless I agreed to have a read and said I should have something by the weekend.

I started the book when I went to bed around 11pm and actually couldn't put it down. Having fell asleep on my kindle (not the first time I must add, I'm a self confessed book junkie) I was so into Maggie and Vincent's story I felt I'd not be able to continue my day unless I finished when I woke up this morning.

Maggie Wilson has suffered. There is no doubt about it. She suffered a terrible tragedy as a result of an accident during childhood. She suffers daily at the hands of a mentally unstable parent. If it weren't for her best friend and her Grandfather she'd have no-one. Yet despite it all she has a resolve and an inner strength to just get through high school, keep her GPA up and graduate with grades good enough that she can escape to college. She knows with hard work and keeping her head down she can achieve this. She doesn't have time for distractions. She doesn't have time for Vincent Moreno.

Vincent is rumored to be that bad boy from the wrong side of the tracks. High school drop out, runs in with the police, exactly the kind of distraction Maggie doesn't need. But after getting past his reputation Maggie realizes there is more to Vincent than meets the eye. He has suffered tragedy as well. He did have some run ins and made some bad choice but, he too, strives for something better. To make something better for himself and his family. 

This is a beautifully told story from dual POVs. I personally, am a huge fan of a book with dual POVs - when the story is told from the point of view from both characters and the story moves along like that. I end up feeling somewhat cheated if I have to purchase another book from someone else's POV, like I've paid twice for the book. Having said that the first chapter from Vincent's POV was an exact rehash of previous chapters and didn't move on at all and did leave me feeling a little cheated but that is nothing to do with the author it's personal preference. This is a superb debut book from Charlene.

Sometimes when you finish a book you know it will stay with you for a while. Sublime Wreckage is one of those books. Despite being about someone else, it will translate into real life and make you question things. If someone like Maggie can overcome her struggles and difficulties then perhaps we should all strive to have a bit of Magnolia Pearl Wilson is us.

I can't wait for Sublime Resistance to continue Maggie and Vincent's story.

Please check out Charlene Zapata on Facebook by clicking here

Links for Sublime Wreckage:

Amazon UK
Amazon US
Barnes & Noble

Monday, August 18, 2014

The Ghost Files by Apryl Baker

Heart pounding, edge of your seat, want to turn the page but don't, can't put it down! These are all the phrases I would use for this amazing book. 

The characters are well developed, the plot and pace is quick. If you blink you just might miss something. There are twists and turns and you don't get the out come till bam!! Right between the eyes. 

Now mind you when you read this book, ( and if you like a good, fun, ghost story you really should grab it), that this is actually a YA novel. The main complaint that I have read is that there is too many love interests through out the book. Although I do agree, there are 4 boys of interest...aren't most teenage girls falling in and out of love on a daily basis? 

If you want a good ghost story, with a snappy bratty teen, good writing and a whiplash pace! The Ghost Files is your book to read! Excuse me as I bury myself in the second installment!

Amazon UK
Barnes and Noble

Reviews for The Slater Brothers Series (So Far) by L.A Casey

Author Bio:

L.A. Casey was born, raised and currently resides in Dublin, Ireland. She is a twenty two year old stay at home mother to an almost two year old German Shepherd named Storm and of course, her four and half year old (the half is apparently vital) beautiful little hellion/angel depending on the hour of the day.

Her first novel, Dominic, was released on March 17th, 2014, and on March 21st, 2014, it became an international Amazon bestseller.

For more from the author check our her Facebook page by clicking here.

So let me preface by saying I have read all the books in the series so far and I have loved everyone of them.  No series of books have made me laugh out loud as much as this series and I can't wait for more (especially Kane as he is my favourite and I've had dibs on his since Dominic - even when everyone else was fawning over Nico it's always been Kane for me).

I should also add despite my glowing 5 stars reviews these books are far from perfect from an editing point of view.  There are grammar and spelling mistakes throughout but that doesn't detract from these hilarious books with hot scenes and an actual story behind them.  They are absolutely my go to books when I'm feeling a bit glum and need a pick me up - I defy anyone to read these and not laugh.

Dominic (Slater Bros #1)

Buy here from Amazon UK and Amazon US

Review - 5 out of 5 stars

Just when I thought my life didn't need anymore book boyfriends LA Casey brings not 1 but 5!!! Welcome Dominic and the Slater clan.

I adore Dominic and love Bee's resistance. I love their story and the interplay between them. 

I also love the way I'm reading Bronagh's words in my head with a broad Irish accent xxx any book which can take you there is amazing.

A superb debut book - I can't wait to read more about the lives and loves of the Slater boys.

Bronagh (Slater Bros #1.5)

Buy here from Amazon UK and Amazon US

Review - 5 out of 5 stars

So I love LA Casey and after how much I fell in love with Dominic I was a little nervous about Bronagh living up to my expectations but I needn't of worried one bit. Not only does LA Casey do Bronagh just - I think if possible I had more laugh out loud moments than Dominic.

Bee is about to celebrate her 21st Birthday and has nothing on her mind apart from a quiet day with Dominic and her family. Only Dominic has other plans for her. Some of his birthday surprises just take your breath away and make you go aaaahhhhhhhhhhh. You'll also chuckle at the book - once you've read Bronagh you'll know exactly what I mean.

As usual with Dominic and Bee nothing can be straight forward and a night out to celebrate her birthday almost turns into an epic fail but I loved the way it set us up for Alec and Keela and possibly Kane and Aideen (I already know Kane is going to be my favourite)

Bronagh has to decide in this book whether to carry on fighting against Dominic or to stand tall and fight with him. Bronagh loves Dominic, and what Bronagh loves, Bronagh protects.

If you loved Dominic you'll loved Bronagh. I promise you won't be disappointed.


Buy here from Amazon UK and Amazon US

Review - 5 out of 5 stars

I loved Dominic, I thought Bronagh was fantastic and truth be told I loved Alec even more and 5 stars just doesn't seem enough.

Keela Daley meets Alec Slater when she rushes out in the middle of the night to rescue her best friend Aideen after a cat fight in a nightclub. Keela thinks Alec is arrogant, crude, cock sure and generally just full of himself. What she doesn't bank on is needing all those things in droves when she receives a wedding invitation from her nemesis and cousin, Micah. 

Micah is a pampered princess and all round rich bitch and to top it all off she is marry a sleazy douche lord and there is no way on God's green earth Keela can go stag to the wedding. She needs someone who looks hot and can handle himself, and her. As much as it's pain her to admit she needs Alec.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Review for Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover

So I read this book in one sitting (and by sitting I actually mean laying as I hadn't even got out of bed). I've read Colleen's Slammed series and thoroughly enjoyed them and I was excited to read this book. 

I'd like to point out at this stage that there is one reason this book did not get a 5 star review and her name is Tate Collins or as she will forthwith be known, Hate Collins as that's how I feel about her. Infuriating just doesn't even cover it. I started out thinking she was ok, which moved onto I'm not keen and by the end I wanted to rip her arm off and beat her with the wet stump. However I will not let that detract from my love of Miles Archer. My poor, sweet, wounded, tortured, guilt ridden, amazing Miles. Just in case it doesn't come across I love him (yes I'm a book whore - I've said this about many of my fictional men).

Miles Archer is an airline pilot who lives in the same apartment complex with his colleague and friend, Corbin. Corbin's sister Hate moves in with him and finds an instant attraction to Miles. 

As much as he wants to Miles can't deny that, for the first time in six years, he is attracted to someone. Miles doesn't believe himself worthy or deserving of love and to be quite frank he is very upfront about the fact he doesn't want it. Love and hearts is not something on his agenda. What he wants is an agreement with Hate for sex - nothing more and nothing less. He only has two rules:

Never ask about the past
Don't expect a future

As long as Hate can stick to these rules everything will be ok - or will it? Seems Hate isn't the only one not sure that this little arrangement will suit them.

Hearts get infiltrated
Promises get broken
Rules get shattered
Love gets ugly

Despite Hate I actually really loved this book and I can't finish this review with some love for my second favourite character in the book - Cap xoxo OMG he is just amazing and I adore him.

I do have a feeling this book will be alot like marmite - you'll either love it or hate it xxx

Please click for links:

Amazon US
Amazon UK

Barnes & Noble

Author's Facebook Page: Colleen Hoover

Don't forget to stop by our Facebook page: 101 Ways To Make Love To A Spoon

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Received an ARC for an honest review. I was a bit hesitant when I started reading this as I feel the cover wasn't as well thought out as it could have been. I love para books, and para romance so I was eager to read this novel. Much to my chargin I realized that there were two other books before this so I never felt like I really got to know the characters. Especially Jorge, he felt like a back ground character most of the book. I won't get into detail of the book as I don't want to spoil it but over all I'm giving this a 3 out of 5 stars and here is why.... The characters that we got to know were very well written although I felt the language was a bit too contrite at times. I loved Chloe from page one and was excited to read her story. However, I felt that I never got the full grasp of her story as I never read the first two books. I loved the direction that the author had come to with the existence of paranormal beings and why there were here. I felt like it was a new take on an otherwise old story. I love new spins! Makes it fresh!! For me that's where it ended... This isn't a stand alone so you should read the first two novels. I felt like there was little to no plot at all... There was little to no conflict and everything was tied up in a nice bow at the end. There could have been so much more and I feel like there were a lot of missed chances. Unfortunately, great ideas and new twists can only take a book so far. At the end I was left wondering what I missed. *AK

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

An interview with the amazing author Claribel Ortega!

Claribel, I understand that before you wrote your first novella you were a journalist. What did you write for and did you feel like going from journalism to writing your first novel was a natural progression?

I was a reporter for The Rivertowns Enterprise in Westchester County NY. I covered a few towns on everything from elections to school board meetings to toothbrushes for gorillas (haha not kidding). I never expected to write a book to be honest, and I knew I wouldn't unless I felt I had a really strong story to tell. When the idea for the Emerald Kipp books came along I just couldn't stop thinking about it or writing about it, so that's how I knew it was something I needed to do. Looking back now, I would say things kind of fell into place for me to write, although it didn't feel that way during the process. 

Do you feel as though your journalism background has helped with your writing process?

Absolutely. I think as a journalism student, I really had a lot of the principals of writing drilled into my head. I also had to write a lot and on deadline which always helps. Since my book has so much history in it, the research element was definitely made easier from the skills I picked up as a reporter. Not to mention the infinite amounts of patience it takes to be an author and to try and get your work published. Reporters are not always popular as you know, and I had my fair share of doors slammed in my face, but that helped me develop a thick skin for the rejection that inevitably comes with being an author.  

In your novel you write in two different time periods, 1600's and the 1980's, both of which you had to have done research for. Did you hit the library for both or did you talk to those that lived through the 80s for more personal experience?  ;)
I did both. I have friends and family who grew up in New York City in the 1980's so I used them as primary sources. I also spent a lot of time in the library researching and actually visiting some of the sites where the book takes place and speaking to the members of the historical societies there and gathering material that way. I went to Salem, and spoke to practicing Wiccans, and that really gave me a good understanding of the root of their religion and influenced me to make nature a more central part of my magical systems. 

Which character did you like developing? Margo, Emerald or is it a tie?
I would say it's a tie, because I can't pick favorites and also because they are a lot alike in many ways. Not superficially, but when you get down to the essence of what makes each character who they are; bravery, love of family, selflessness, - Emerald and Margo are one in the same. 

Who did you more closely relate to?
Emerald! Because she is stubborn :) and also because she is a huge music fan and music is my life. 

What made you decide to take the self publishing route for your first novel?
The Skinwalker's Apprentice was always meant to be a tool to help spread the word about my upcoming series, and I never intended to have it published traditionally because to me it was just a teaser of what was to come. I have a lot of resources because I work for a book marketing company as well, so I knew having a book under my belt to approach people with at the book fairs and expos I attend all year would be a big help. I hope in the future to have it republished along with the series. 

Was there a conscious decision to write in the paranormal genre?
Not really, it just sort of unfolded that way because I had just written a children's book about a witch who couldn't use the potty (haha) and I had witches on my mind I suppose. 

You can tell that there is time, dedication, and research in your writing, your characters are beautifully written and jump off the page, how long does it generally take your process of writing from conception to research to published novel? 

Thank you so much for those kind words. For The Skinwalker's Apprentice it was different because I had already written half of book one (Emerald Kipp & The Riddle of The Timekeeper) when I took a step back and wrote the novella. So I already had hundreds of pages worth of research to pull from when I began writing. That being said, the novella took me about 4 months total from conception to publication. Emerald Kipp & The Riddle of The Timekeeper took be about a year and a half. 

With your novels taking place in New York I am sure you have a lot to glean you get a lot of inspiration from your amazingly busy city?

Yes absolutely. I love New York so much and I think it's one of the greatest cities in the world. There is a certain magic about it, and I wanted to capture that in my books. I hope I do it justice! It's the reason the series is called The Empire Witch Series, and why my soon to be released artwork features a witch holding an apple. New York (The Big Apple, The Empire State) is central to the story, it's another character in itself. 

Ok quickfire questions:

1. Where did you grow up? Bronx, NY 
2. What would you do if your couldn't write? Cry...and maybe also be a dance instructor. I danced for most of my younger days! 
3. Where is your ideal place to write? Someplace near the water, preferably with a plate of cheese nearby and a cold drink. 
4. If you could be paranormal, what would you be? A witch, duh :) 
5. If The Skinwalkers Apprentice was made into a movie, who would you want to play Emerald and Margo? I've always pictured Emerald as Sky Ferreira. She's a singer and actress and when I picture Emerald I picture her. Since she is a singer, I think she'd understand Emerald's connection with music, plus she's amazingly talented so I know she'd do an amazing job. For Margo, Hailee Steinfeld from True Grit would be amazing or maybe someone like Hannah Gayle Marks who had a part in the latest Spider Man movie.