Monday, January 5, 2015

I challenge you!!

Last year I decided to do the Goodreads book challenge. I started out with a very delusional 50 in about mid August. Realizing by October that the numbers had barely moved past 19 I decided to knock it down to 30. Then in November down to 20. Needless to say, I met my reading goal! Happy Dance go me!! Why do I tell you this little tale of woe?? My measly 20 books?? I offer you this! A different kind of challenge. came out with not only a book challenge, but a lets-see-if-you-can-expand-your-horizons type of challenge. I am sure that like me, you get stuck in a rut! "Why yes that is another YA novel I am reading, why do you ask?" "I occasionally read something that doesn't involve the super natural...occasionally." You know who you are! :) So I am giving you this book challenge. I work full time, have two kids, love to read and am in the process of writing my first book so...I will say that if one book fits two checks...go for it! It's not cheating it's making the list work for you! If you can fit all 50 in...more power to you! :)

Are you ready for it? You sure?? Here it is. The 2015 Book Challenge by

On your marks, get set, READ!!!!

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