Monday, January 5, 2015

Another change from list - Pure Punishment by T.L Smith

One, two.
Who to kill?
Three, four.
You better open your door.
Five, six.
Cut or nick?

Seven, eight.
Don't party too late.
Nine, ten.
Watch your gate.

My name is Kayla.  Would you like to play a game with me? I promise to only make you bleed and possibly scream.  Are you ready for some fun?

Things were going so well - ok not really well but I am one down from my 2015 First Reads list I promise but having read the blurb for Pure Punishment by T.L Smith and knew immediately it would be jumping to the top of my list.

Review: 4 Stars

The New Year has seen me turn to some previous unread authors for my regular fix.  Pure Punishment is my first book by T.L Smith but I'm sure it won't be my last.

Firstly I loved the synopsis - it was short and straight to the point but the more than enough to wet your appetite.

Would you like to play a game with me? I promise to only make you bleed and possibly scream.  Be prepared for a proper head upending.

Told from Dual POVs (which I happen to flove by the way), Pure Punishment tells the story of Kayla, who's sole purpose is to punish those who deserve it.  Kayla is rough around the edges and fierce and angry and sassy and takes no $h*t.  She knows what she wants and she knows how to get it.

Kristy is right at the other end of the spectrum from Kayla.  Kristy is a college student who is a shy and retiring wall flower.  Kristy is a pushover who will not say boo to a goose.  All she wants to do is keep her head down and study and that leaves very little time for anything else in her life.  Despite being complete opposites these two girls share far more than they realise.

Full of suspense and intrigue and downright dark and nasty Pure Punishment is a great read.

Purchase Links:

Amazon US

Amazon UK
Barnes & Noble

For more information about T.L Smith including new releases, teasers and giveaways please click here

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