Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Ghost Files 2

Sadly I could only give this book, the second in the Ghost Files series, three stars. Believe you me when I say that when you like an author to bits its painful having to give a review any lower than 4 stars. Here it is in all it's glory!

Let me start by saying that loved The Ghost Files. I was excited to read the second. However, I was a bit disappointed in this second novel. 

Let's start with the good: I love the characters as always. I was glad to see Dr. Olivet back in the second installment. The new characters introduced were well written and developed. 

The ghosts were awesome and gruesome all at the same time. I love to hate them and it was no different this go around. 

I liked the MAIN story line.... That was my biggest issue with this book. Trying to dig out the main story line hidden under all the subplots. 

Ok, first of all I felt like there was WAY to much going on in this story. It jumped around from story line to story line making my head spin. I personally thought every thing with Dan's mom was not needed, it felt forced, and I'm still totally befuddled by it. Not to mention... It's a phone call... I mean that's what we assume. No evidence. A phone call and the police are banging down the door. Then there was the demon not one but two! One sent to protect Dan... Never find out who did that and another random one. Then Mattie starts having visions, but it stops with one and again no explanation as to why she even had it to begin with. 

Personally it felt like the author couldn't figure out what rode to take and it ended up a giant mess. 

I give this 3 stars for characters, and the MAIN storyline. Both of which, I felt, could have held their own with out everything else.

Amazon UK

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