Monday, September 22, 2014

The Promise By Apryl Baker

I am, for better lack of a word, paranormal girl. I love the paranormal, I obsess over it, I breath it. In short I live it. I blame my mother. I really do. The woman raised me on Stephen King! Needless to say para books are by far my go to for a good comfy read. There are a lot of great paranormal reads out there, Apryl Baker most assuredly has her pulse on that corner market. With her Ghost Files series she brings us spooks. With The Promise she introduces us to the world of Witches. A coven straight from Salem it's self, moved down the coast to protect its self from would be witch hunters. 

We start with a dead sister and a curse and some kick ass shoes. Intriguing to say the least. We are introduced to the sister via her journal and memories of her sister CJ. The main character in the story.I liked CJ well enough, she was like able but the constant reminders that she didn't believe in the coven or magic were totally unnecessary. After about the 15th time a threw my hands in there exasperated Ok! We get it! However, other than that, she's a good strong character. She's not oh-poor-woe-is-me. Although her taste in men is something to be desired. 

The writing is well paced. Although you learn about the curse about half way through the book, its the last few pages that you really learn everything behind it. It's those last few pages that made this book amazing. It was hit after hit. Didn't see it coming, didn't see that coming either.

I would have loved for a different ending with who she ended up with. It was very much a "nice guy finishes last". I will admit that bit was frustrating. However, I won't go into detail as I don't like spoilers. 

It's a good quick read and for that I give it 4 stars. Good characters, good plot, lovely twists and turns through out the book. The Promise wasn't the Ghost Files as I had secretly hoping, but it was still a fun ride. Good to read, but you won't be blown away. 

Happy Reading! 

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Thursday, September 11, 2014

Debut Book - New Release - The Lost One by Liz Lovelock

The Lost One (Lost Series #1) by Liz Lovelock

Debut novel released 10th September

Buy Links:

Amazon UK
Amazon US


My name is Melodi White, I had a dream once like every other girl does. Then one day, my dream was torn to shreds, by my sister’s evil boyfriend, Jacob. It’s been three years since she was ripped from my life. She wasn’t just any sister; no, she was my twin, my best friend.

Deciding to follow our childhood dream of moving to New York, I head for a life of adventure and fun. A night on the town and I find myself wrapped in the arms of one gorgeous, drop-dead-sexy man, Corban. He has literally swept me off my feet, taken my breath away with a single kiss and left me wanting more, a feeling completely alien to me.

Corban Andrews, CEO of Case Construction, rich, sexy and ravishing is set to make my world come undone. I allow myself to put my trust in him, but will his rules and my trust issues let us explore what we could have together? It’s either that or am I at risk of staying lost and alone.

When a blast from my past reappears, I know I may be pushed so far down the rabbit hole, Corban and I just may not survive. It all comes down to survival and choices. I have no idea which I will choose.

Review - 5 out of 5 stars

There are not enough words I can use to describe this amazing debut novel from Liz Lovelock.  I feel like I am doing her a disservice by only giving it 5 stars.

Melodi White and her twin sister Abby have a dream to live it up in New York and are working towards this dream when all of a sudden the carpet is pulled out from underneath Melodi. Abby disappears without a trace and her evil, abusive boyfriend Jacob is to blame.

Melodi decides to go ahead and live their dream and moves to New York where, on a night out at a local club she meets the stunningly attractive Corban Andrews who exudes sex appeal from every pore. Just one kiss and she is sucked into his vortex and she knows she needs more.

Corban is not your usual domineering, alpha CEO and Melodi is not your typical dramatic angsty submissive female lead but together they work.

Just when Melodi seems to be getting hold of her life a "chance" meeting tips her world on it's axis.

This is a fantastic debut novel - a thrilling roller coaster of emotions with twist and turns I did not see coming. I highly recommend it and I can't wait for more in their story.

About Liz Lovelock:
I’m a wife, mother, reader, blogger and now an author. I’m always busy doing something as I have so much going on and my two little ones keep me on my toes regularly. 

I’m from bright sunny Queensland, Australia. I have always been a reader. When I was little I would be up late reading Garfield and Asterix comic books and also Footrot Flats. When I hit high school they gave us Tomorrow When the War Began by John Marsden and from there my love of books continued to grow. I can’t remember all the ones I read through school but I always had a book beside my bed at night and to this day there has and always will be a book along with a note book beside my bed.
My debut novel The Lost One(Lost Series #1) just came to me one day and with the help and pushing of some wonderful friends I decided to sit down and write. Let’s just say that it changed from the original idea I came up with in September 2013 but I can’t wait to share this story with you all along with many more to come.

I keep a note book and pen beside my bed when those late night ideas pop into my head, plus I’m a stationery addict and love pen’s, notebooks, well anything stationary. 

I have a fair few ideas the will keep me busy for a while. Come follow me on Facebook and keep up to date with all new things happening with the Lost Series and other future projects to come.

Keep up to date with Liz on Facebook by clicking here.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Ghost Files 2

Sadly I could only give this book, the second in the Ghost Files series, three stars. Believe you me when I say that when you like an author to bits its painful having to give a review any lower than 4 stars. Here it is in all it's glory!

Let me start by saying that loved The Ghost Files. I was excited to read the second. However, I was a bit disappointed in this second novel. 

Let's start with the good: I love the characters as always. I was glad to see Dr. Olivet back in the second installment. The new characters introduced were well written and developed. 

The ghosts were awesome and gruesome all at the same time. I love to hate them and it was no different this go around. 

I liked the MAIN story line.... That was my biggest issue with this book. Trying to dig out the main story line hidden under all the subplots. 

Ok, first of all I felt like there was WAY to much going on in this story. It jumped around from story line to story line making my head spin. I personally thought every thing with Dan's mom was not needed, it felt forced, and I'm still totally befuddled by it. Not to mention... It's a phone call... I mean that's what we assume. No evidence. A phone call and the police are banging down the door. Then there was the demon not one but two! One sent to protect Dan... Never find out who did that and another random one. Then Mattie starts having visions, but it stops with one and again no explanation as to why she even had it to begin with. 

Personally it felt like the author couldn't figure out what rode to take and it ended up a giant mess. 

I give this 3 stars for characters, and the MAIN storyline. Both of which, I felt, could have held their own with out everything else.

Amazon UK

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Spotlight on Chelle Bliss

I first discovered Chelle Bliss after falling lust over heels for the book cover for Throttle Me (Men of Inked #1).  Since then I've read all the books in the Men of Inked series and also Untangle Me from the Love at Last series.  Here's the synopsis and my reviews, including Throttled (the City & Suzy Novella) and Men of Inked #3 Resist Me.

Chelle's writing continues to go from strength to strength and The Men of Inked Series is, without a doubt, one of my favorite series of 2014.

Resist Me (Men of Inked #3)


Izzy Gallo has never been described as a member of the weaker sex. She’s a woman who doesn’t take shit from anyone. Growing up with four older overprotective brothers has hardened her, making her a force to be reckoned with.

Against the wishes of her two brothers, Joe and Mike, Izzy takes a weekend trip to Bike Week in Daytona, turning her world upside down.

Over her head, in a world she doesn’t understand, there’s only one man who can save her.

James Caldo has dedicated his life to protect and serve as a member of the DEA. He’s cocky, overbearing, and doesn’t take no for an answer – the Gallo men have nothing on him.

When their paths cross, James makes Izzy question everything she believes about completely surrendering to the opposite sex.

Does James have what it takes to overpower the headstrong Izzy, capturing her heart forever?

Review - 5 out of 5 stars

So I've always been upfront with Chelle that so far Michael has been my favourite but I've suspected right from Hook Me Thomas is going to be my man (when we eventually get him that is). As much as I was looking forward to Izzy's story I wasn't quite anticipating I'd LOVE James just about as much as I do.

When I knew a story about Izzy was being written I thought she maybe one of the first female alphas I'd encountered only for Chelle to burst my bubble and say "Oh no her man will be the alpha" and I knew he'd have to be special.

We are introduced to a more vulnerable side of Izzy in Resist Me that we perhaps haven't been in previous books. Don't let that confuse you that all of a sudden Izzy becomes a flailing damsel in distress because she is still kicking ass in this book.

James is like no alpha that has preceded him - he well and truly calls bullshit on Izzy's bullshit and he sees right through her.

This book as some really good laugh out loud moments and one of my favourite sayings "Opinions are like assholes - everybody has one"

Chelle's writing continues to go from strength to strength and I can't wait for the next book in this series (mainly because the Thomas's story and he is soooooooo mine)

Throttled (Men of Inked #2.5)


She’s about to become his – Mrs. Joseph Gallo.

All she wants is to be his, but his possessiveness days before the wedding has her questioning the reality of a happily ever after.

He’s not easy. He’s territorial and doesn’t share well with others.

City’s staking his claim, making Suzy his forever.

Their future teeters precariously on the cliff of matrimonial bliss.

Will their love survive his alpha nature or will it all unravel before she can say ‘I do’

Review - 5 out of 5 stars

Throttle Me was my first introduction to Chelle Bliss and I loved meeting City and Suzy. I was super pleased when I learned Chelle was writing a novella for them and as always she did not disappoint.

This novella is the perfect addition to City and Suzy's story. Planning to become Mrs Joseph Gallo is giving Suzy a great opportunity to put her OCD and list making to good use but on the eve of their wedding City's possessive behaviour is threatening to ruin everything they have overcome. 

Will City and Suzy make it to their happy ever after?

On a side note I audibly eeeekkkked when we were introduced to Jimmy and can't wait for the release of Resist Me. I'm looking forward to finding out if Izzy finally meets her match.

Hook Me (Men of Inked #2)


Michael Gallo found his calling in life – he wants to kick ass. He works at Inked as a piercer, but spends his mornings training and dreaming of winning an UFC championship. Michael is the road to achieving his goal when a chance encounter alters his world forever. The title is no longer enough – he must capture the woman of his dreams.

Dr. Mia Greco is dedicated to saving lives and helping those less fortunate. She doesn’t have time to meet Mr. Right with her busy schedule. She buries herself in her work and helping humanity. Fate steps in and sweeps the carpet out from under her. She tries to deny the pull to him, a man that uses his fists for gain, but the universe won’t let her walk away so easy and Michael isn’t one to take no for an answer.

He has a secret that may rip them apart. There are forces bigger than them at work; drawing them in and making their worlds collide – not letting either one of them walk away.

Review -  5 out of 5 stars

So I breezed through Throttle Me (Men of Inked 1) and fell in love with City. I went straight onto Hook Me a little worried that Michael might not live up to the pedestal I'd put City on but that couldn't of been further from the truth. I must of been in lust with City - I'm in love with Michael. #TeamIceman all the way.

Michael Gallo spends his mornings in the gym training, his days in Inked piercing people (which reminds me I need to go and google what a "Jacob's Ladder" is) and his nights throwing people a beating as an MMA fighter.

Dr Mia Greco is a workaholic who is either flat out at the ER or volunteering at the free clinic.

An injury during a fight causes their paths to cross and even Mia can't deny the pull between them. Michael then goes into full on Alpha mode to get his quarry and will not be letting her get away. 

Add in a factor which which could rip them apart and you've got an AMAZEBALLS book.
Like City, Michael is all you could want from an Alpha - plus he has a really delicious romantic side too.

Mia is different to the usual lead female characters. I find most female leads are limp, weak, drippy and uber submissive then one sniff of a lead Alpha and they turn into a tricked out hoe from the Titty Teaser but I like my girls to have a bit of spunk and sass and not, no matter how panty meltingly delicious their Alphas are, to hand it all over to easy and Mia certainly doesn't do that.

I really enjoyed Throttle Me, I loved Hook Me and now I can't wait for the Fall for Izzy's story.

Throttle Me (Men of Inked #1)


Suzy’s a control freak and has her life mapped out - work hard, find a man with a stable job, and live happily ever after. She’s content with the status quo, but her plan comes to a screeching halt when he enters her life and turns it upside down.

City gave up on love when his heart was crushed in college, preferring to be the typical bachelor. He spends his nights hopping from one bed to another and his days working at his family tattoo shop, Inked. A chance encounter on a dark road makes him question what he had sworn off forever – a relationship. 

A night of passion and lust causes them to question everything. Is City the knight in shining armor to the damsel in distress? Can their relationship survive when a fantasy falls apart and a secret comes out that changes everything?

This is the first book in the Men of Inked Series.

Review - 5 out of 5 stars

Suzy McCarthy is a boring control freak with a sneaky dark fantasy side. She is a teacher and has a lack lustre life at best just milling through existing rather than living. She is that sure she "knows" what she wants from a man she has a checklist and believe me Joseph "City" Gallo does not tick any of the boxes.

City is everything you want in an Alpha and then some - hot, tattooed, rippling with muscles, protective and loyal (he ticks every box on my list).

Suzy breaks downs one night and City stops to help her. What she thinks she is getting is a one night stand but what she doesn't bargain on is fall for him and having everything she believes she wants challenged.

This was my first book by Chelle Bliss and was a great easy read. I'm going straight onto Hook Me the next title in the "Men of Inked" series and I'm looking forward to meeting more of the Gallo Brothers.

Find Chelle Bliss on Facebook here