Saturday, June 14, 2014

The how where and why about indie authors

I have been a reader all of my life. From the time I was 6 months old and looking through Richard Scary board books. I was an avid reader well into my elementary years and spent most recesses with a book instead of friends. Fast forward a few years shall we, no one needs to hear about my boring past! 

Age 37, still an avid reader. Still reading several books at a time. Same-o, same-o.... don't get me wrong. There are authors that I love and adore and anxiously await the next book. Lets get real for a moment shall we, they are a name on a book, a name in the ether. Not tangible just that...a name. I don't know anything about the author except a blurb on the back of the page, maybe a picture that is 20 something years old. Again, don't get me wrong! I love authors. Gate ways to imagination, untold stories and a dip into their minds eye. I have conversed with a few, Judy Blume, Catherine Coulter, R.A. Salvatore, and Rodger Baum to name a few. They are very kind to chat with. They have no qualms signing a book smiling and letting you go on your merry way. Then you meet indie authors....they are a whole breed of their own unlike anything or any one I have EVER had the pleasure of meeting.

The first indie author I was introduced to was Michelle Horst. She writes the Vaalbara series as well as Wake Me Up. I was told I just HAD to read this book. I didn't know who Michelle was or the kind of books she wrote. My co blogger Amy gave me her book to read. Wake Me Up wasn't my normal genre at all. (I dub them guilty pleasure books.) I gave it a go. I started it and said, yeah it's good.....then I was enveloped in it. I was living and breathing it. I was in love with the characters. I was in love with writing. I was in love with the author!!! You know what the best part was I COULD TELL THE AUTHOR. Yes!! I was able to write her, tell her how much I loved her book and she would write me back! I started a correspondence with her. I started a friendship with her half way across the world, all because I liked her book! :) It warmed the cockles of my heart. 

So I delved further into the world of indie authors! I couldn't believe it! There are legions of them out there!! Just to give you a taste here are a few if you are interested in dipping your toe into the rise of the indie author. Let me tell you, they are a personal bunch. They raise each other up and support each other. They reach out to others for help. For advice. For friendship. I have never before seen and met so many amazing women that are so eager to see the others succeed! You write how something effected you, they will write you back. You ask when the next book will come, they can give you a round about date. There are many ways to support them, not just by reading them, you can join street teams and help get the word out there. They absolutely love their fans! They do giveaways up the yin yang! Just try one...and I promise you, you will be hooked! Here are a few to check out!!

Michelle Horst

Silla WebbL.A. Casey
Penelope Ward
Cassia Leo
 Heidi McLaughlin
Hilary Storm
Colleen Hoover
Lisa De Hong
Jade Jamison

Mind you these are only a very small drop in the bucket!! Check out out facebook page for a more extensive list!! Happy Reading!


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